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MAP Sessions

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A new era of transformation for greater ease is upon us 

Thanks to the MAP (Make Anything Possible) approach, we can now initiate profound changes in our lives. 

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Based on the discoveries of Dr. Garry A. Flint, Ph.D., this revolutionary approach unlocks the incredible potential for self-metamorphosis of the brain.

Our relationship with unpleasant or painful experiences leaves imprints on our neuronal circuits, revealing themselves as thoughts, feelings, and emotions that are reflected in our behaviors

Our brain has the ability to identify the source of our painful experiences and neutralize them (hence self-metamorphosis), along with all the messages that reinforce these limiting behaviors

Our brain has another remarkable capability: it is aware of our untapped potential and holds the means to access it.

The subconscious, our inner genius, represents the component of the brain where these abilities reside.

The MAP methodology directly collaborates with the capabilities of our subconscious. MAP is the result of the convergence between Consciousness, from which it originates, and neuroscience, where it has been validated.






With the MAP approach, it is now possible to overcome internal obstacles and resistances in order to create a more fulfilling life.

 Our subconscious is also an extension of the unified field of possibilities.


This field is influenced, among other factors, by how we process our life experiences, which determines the experiences we attract or repel.


Therefore, to change our experiences, we must modify the content of our subconscious.

When we synchronize our subconscious with our aspirations...

... it aligns with the field of possibilities, clarifies the actions to take, and attracts the necessary resources to actualize our desires...

... instead of generating circumstances contrary to our desires!

The MAP approach helps to synchronize our subconscious with our goals.

Benefits of MAP sessions

The hallmark of the MAP approach lies in the release of emotions by the subconscious, without the need to relive painful memories.


Emotions represent the most significant obstacles, but once released, the burden is lightened, and we can move forward without being held back by the weight of the past.


Several benefits of MAP sessions include:

A rewarding and fulfilling life

They provide a powerful framework for achieving new levels of success by enabling us to create a life full of meaning and satisfaction.

Constant refinement of our intuition

They initiate presence to the subconscious, resulting in a stronger connection to our intuition, which will guide us through life's challenges and choices.

Goodbye internal obstacles! 


They contribute to overcoming internal obstacles and adopting positive behaviors to achieve our aspirations.

Potential reduction of stress


They can reduce stress levels and promote mental well-being by neutralizing internal blocks and limiting patterns.

Facilitated personal fulfillment


They foster the achievement of our personal goals by fully tapping into our potential.


Continual improvement of our relationships

Because they help us to better accept ourselves, they can also improve our interactions with others and strengthen our interpersonal relationships.

Access to our inner wisdom



They create openness to our inner wisdom to find solutions to problems.


Autonomy in our spheres of life

They strengthen our self-confidence and our ability to make informed decisions, tackle challenges with assurance, and pursue our dreams with determination.

Who can benefit from MAP sessions?

Anyone seeking to improve their quality of life by:

Desiring to internally align with a goal to actualize it more naturally, by:

  • Removing any unconscious belief and resistance

  • Being the necessary vibration, unhindered

  • Receiving the necessary insights to achieve it

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Freeing oneself from restrictive emotions:

  • Insecurity, fear, panic, terror

  • Anger, impatience, resentment, hatred

  • Jealousy, rejection, betrayal, shame

  • Distress, sadness, despair, powerlessness

  • Guilt, shame, pressure

  • Incompetence, worry, paralysis

  • Etc.

Seeking more ease in:

  • Relational

  • Emotional

  • Physical

  • Mental

  • Professional

  • Financial

  • Spiritual aspects

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Neutralizing beliefs at the root of a habit and/or reinforcing beliefs to create a new habit.

Creating the necessary clarity in order to make a choice

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Identifying a goal and an action plan to adhere to

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Escaping the grip of a repetitive dream or the effects of a recurring pattern or event

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Being at peace by allowing others to be and do what they choose for themselves

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And much more!


Feel free to contact me to determine if the MAP method could be beneficial for you

Our Superconscious at work during a MAP session.


Our Superconscious neutralizes the imprints of painful experiences.

Our subconscious, the genie in everyone of us


It is the most authentic version of ourselves, free from the limits and scars of the past. Though it may have various names, its power remains the same.

our sacred nature, the divine self within us

Higher Power

the infinite knowing, the wisdom within us

the being that we really are

the infinite being

the Higher self, the true self

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With the MAP approach, the subconscious has been recognized as the Superconscious. In the future, I will refer to the subconscious as the Superconscious.

How does a MAP session with
your Superconscious unfold?

During a session (whether individual or group):



You choose what you wish to create or unblock. 



With your consent, I collaborate with your Superconscious.



You relax while I communicate with it to reorganize the encoded messages in your brain.

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Your  Superconscious
can rewire your brain... are you ready to explore its potential? 

Don't allow past limitations, difficulties, or traumas to define your future and hinder your full potential.


It's time to take the first step or continue on the path to a brighter and more fulfilling life. Your Superconscious is your ally in the quest for a better life. 

What transformation do you covet?

Do you feel helpless, lost, depressed, impatient, etc. and you wish to change this? 

Do you find yourself reacting to circumstances for which you seek more peace?


Do you experience conflicts with yourself or others and you aspire to more harmony?

Are you forcing or imposing a way of living that no longer suits you?



Are you struggling to break free from recurring situations?


Are you troubled by toxic emotions and want to break free?


Well, know that your Superconscious is ready to contribute by releasing the source of these buried problems in your memories!

Explore the immense power of your Superconscious through personal experience or by participating in a group setting (in preparation).

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